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Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources receives National Job Seekers through its Government Platform at the 22nd National Career Exhibition

10 February, 2020

Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources receives job seekers through its government platform at the 22nd National Career Exhibition in Expo Centre Sharjah, which will be held under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, Member of Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah, may God preserve him. The exhibition is organised by Expo Centre Sharjah in cooperation with Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources and Emirates Institute for Banking and Financial Studies, with the support of Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the participation of 50 government and private institutions. It started on Sunday, February 9, and will last for three days.
The platform of Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources includes the most prominent participants of Sharjah institutions, establishments and government entities, namely: Department of Economic Development, Sharjah Airport Authority, Department of Seaports and Customs, Directorate of Public Works, Directorate of Town Planning and Survey, Environment and Protected Areas Authority (EPPA, Real Estate Registration Department and the Supreme Council for Family Affairs. These entities will present the nature of their work and the services offered by them.
The Directorate will also offer to the visitors of the exhibition, through its government platform, several important services, such as: Receiving job seekers’ applications through the immediate registration service at the Directorate’s online recruitment service, responding to all inquiries, providing professional advice on the current and future labour market requirements and guiding them towards the most appropriate career path, conducting data updates to the job seekers registered at the Directorate, introducing the Directorate’s methodology followed in coordination with the government and private entities to support the job seekers in the field of registration, qualification, field training and nominating for job interviews.
The platform would allow the graduates and job seekers who visit the exhibition to obtain free specialised training programmes and sessions throughout the period of the exhibition in the various professional skills and legal knowledge, most notably education on the career planning skills, behaviours of the seekers of professional life and basics of business analysis.
Such platform aims to save time and effort for the job seekers in identifying the nature of government work at the Emirate and planning their career path, and to form an ideal opportunity for them and for the fresh graduates to meet recruitment experts and recruitment officials at the government and private entities.
The Directorate had invited the national job seekers of various specialties and academic qualifications, through its social media accounts, to visit the exhibition and profit from the employment opportunities available, to communicate directly with employers and with representatives of government entities and private companies present at the exhibition, to learn about the nature of jobs and the various professional sectors, as well as the professional development programmes offered by the Directorate to the job seekers and fresh graduates.
For his part, H.E. Dr. Tariq Sultan Bin Khadim thanked and praised H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, Member of Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah, may God preserve him, for harnessing all the capacities and efforts to support, prepare, qualify and train national manpower, both educationally and professionally, and enable them to work at government and private entities in various sectors and ensure their career continuity and development in a way supporting sustained development at the State according to the best educational and practical curricula and the local and international practices. He explained that thanks to the insightful vision of H.H. Ruler of Sharjah, the Emirate creates one opportunity after another to attract national personnel and pave the way for them to enter the career world and reach the stage of empowerment, in a way to support development and enhance the position of human wealth as an effective element and active pillar of the integrated national foundation.
Bin Khadim confirmed the importance of the National Career Exhibition as it forms a link between the recruiters of the government and private sector and the qualified human capabilities. The exhibition offers as well options to the youth seeking to gain experience and knowledge and to benefit from the development and training opportunities available during the exhibition days, pointing out that the exhibition constitutes an important channel for job seekers and paves the way for them as national competencies to show their capacities and to market themselves. It is a valuable opportunity through which they can achieve their personal aspirations and support the development process of the State by participating in it. He emphasised that the human elements are the basis of the UAE’s approach, regardless of their positions and workplace, stating that the Directorate focuses on supporting Emiratisation in the private sector through the exhibition, highlighting its role in attracting national competencies and providing job opportunities to nationals.
He expressed his hope that the career exhibition would achieve the same success of its past version, which contributed to the development, training and employment of several national talents in important job positions in both the government and private sectors. H.E. appreciated the efforts of Expo Centre Sharjah in organising this annual exhibition that aims to provide job opportunities to national personnel in all sectors. He praised the cooperation of Sharjah directorates, institutions and government bodies for their participation within the government platform and their keenness to communicate directly with job seekers.
On this participation, H.E. Sultan Abdullah Bin Haddah, Chairman of Department of Economic Development, confirmed the Department’s keenness to participate in all the career exhibitions held in the Emirate, based on its strategy to improve and develop the human resources’ competence. He indicated that the Department achieved an Emiratisation rate of 94.5% and said: “The Department attaches great importance to Emiratisation within its strategic plan, in order to achieve the directives of H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, Member of Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah, in this regard, as the Department seeks to attract national manpower in all jobs and fields, according to a plan that is being developed continuously while honing their skills through various training sessions, preparing and qualifying them to be able to perform their tasks at the highest quality levels”.
H.E. confirmed that the Directorate is keen to exert all possible efforts and harness all available resources to develop the national cadres and prepare them according to the high efficiency standards, which is part of the Department’s concern to provide its human cadres with the appropriate skills that are in line with the labour market requirements. He also confirmed that the Department implemented several plans for the development of national talents and training programmes for its employees in order to raise the level of the employees’ competence, which in turn would help them develop their professional career.
H.E. explained that the ambitious Emiratisation, employment and training programmes, the attraction of talents and diversification in the appointment of youth of both genders had reached an advanced stage in coordination with Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources. The Department had largely succeeded in hiring cadres with good talents to enhance the Directorate’s strategy and maintain the special cadres and distinguished employees who, in turn, would contribute to enhancing government performance at the highest international levels. H.E. also pointed out that the Directorate provides its national visitors, through its platform in the career exhibition, with adequate information on the training programmes, how to join them and the work procedures at the Directorate.
For his part, H.E. Ali Salim Al Midfa, Chairman of Sharjah Airport Authority, said: Our participation in this exhibition is part of our unremitting efforts to target and involve qualified national cadres in the development process of Sharjah Airport, which resulted in a growth in the Emiratisation ratio in all departments and sections to reach 62%, while this ratio in leadership positions at the Authority had reached 90%. We seek to increase the Emiratisation ratio during 2020 through the Emiratisation and replacement plans in public office by 2%.
H.E. pointed out that the exhibition is considered an ideal platform to enable the young nationals to access job opportunities that enable them to contribute effectively to the ambitious development process led by the UAE, confirming the Authority’s commitment to promoting optimal investment in national cadres, following the wise directives of H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, Member of Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah, to qualify and train the youth and develop their capacities, being the pillars of progress, development and prosperity.
Concerning the participation, H.E. Mohammed Mir Abdul Rahman, Director of the Department of Seaports and Customs in Sharjah, declared that the Department is keen to be at the forefront of Departments that support the career exhibitions of national cadres and encourage their continuation in a way to serve the national interest.
He said that the Department of Seaports and Customs, based on its keenness to Emiratise jobs, especially customs inspection jobs, was able to Emiratise all these jobs by 100%, and to gradually Emiratise other jobs. He added that this was achieved thanks to the directives of H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, Member of Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah, and his keenness to provide vacancies to Emirati youth in various sectors.
The Director of the Department of Seaports and Customs confirmed that H.E. Sheikh Khalid Bin Abd Bin Sultan Al Qassimi, Chairman of the Department, had developed appropriate strategies to Emiratise jobs in the seaports and customs sectors and instructed those concerned to implement such strategies according to a time schedule, which is consistent with the general policy to attract national youth towards public office.
He continued that career exhibitions are among the effective means and tools that provide job opportunities to young female and male graduates in various disciplines, as the Departments and companies present their vacancies and needs of various specialties.  The exhibitions represent as well a favourable opportunity for the job seekers to present their qualifications and show their skills and capacities to occupy all types of jobs.
The Director of the Department of Seaports and Customs expected that the career exhibition would achieve a qualitative shift in providing job opportunities according to the highest international standards and that it would be a front to encourage national cadres.
On the participation of the Directorate of Public Works within the platform of the Government of Sharjah at the exhibition, H.E. Ali Bin Shaheen Al Suwaidi, Member of Executive Council, Chairman of the Directorate of Public Works (Sharjah), said: The Directorate attaches great importance to its participation in the national career exhibition, considered a strategic platform to attract national cadres able to contribute to the support and development of work at the Directorate, as we provide them with important job opportunities and guarantee the acquisition of skills to sharpen their professional and creative experiences to be effective elements in promoting growth in the construction sector.
He indicated that the growth rate of Emiratisation at the Directorate had reached 15% in the past two years compared to the previous years, and he pointed out that the exhibition is considered an ideal platform to enable the young nationals to access job opportunities that enable them to contribute effectively to the ambitious development process led by the UAE, confirming the Directorate’s commitment to promoting optimal investment in national cadres, following the wise directives of H.H. Ruler of Sharjah, to qualify and train the youth and develop their capacities, being the pillars of progress and development in the world.
Al Suwaidi confirmed the importance of the national career exhibition in providing job opportunities to national graduates with various specialties that meet the needs of the various public and private sectors’ establishments of qualified human cadres, which would serve the development process witnessed by the UAE in general and Sharjah in particular.
On his part, H.E. Abdelaziz Ahmed Al Shamsi, Director General of Real Estate Registration Department in Sharjah, confirmed the Department’s keenness to participate in the national career exhibition organised by Expo Centre Sharjah in cooperation with Emirates Institute for Banking and Financial Studies, and wih the support of Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to attract the best talented national fresh graduates to work at the Department and help achieve comprehensive and sustained development that the Emirate strives for under our wise leadership.
Al Shamsi indicated that the Department “attaches great importance to Emiratisation as it achieved highly satisfactory results in Emiratisation rates and is working continuously to empower the promising national cadres and give them the opportunity to show their skills and capacities in serving the State”.
He added, in special statements on this occasion, that the “Department views the matter of Emiratisation in government jobs as a long-term investment in our resources, capacities and the future of nationals and nation, where the investment in our nationals by developing their skills, training and mentoring them, will give the government institutions operating in the Emirate, a competitive advantage to improve their performance in a sustainable manner by relying on young national talents and working on their development, which is one of the strategic priorities of H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, Member of Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah, reflected in 2020 budget that included the provision of job opportunities to nationals in a way to guarantee family and living stability.
For her part, H.E. Hana Saif Al Suwaidi, Chairperson of Environment and Protected Areas Authority (EPPA), said: We, at the Environment and Protected Areas Authority (EPPA), are keen to participate in this major ntional event where we receive job seekers and their applications. The exhibition is considered one of the largest events that support the efforts exerted by the Government of the UAE to Emiratise jobs, and is an annual stop that gives the opportunity to national young competencies, graduates and students to gain first-hand knowledge of the reality and needs of the labour market and the future jobs.
She added: Saying that the exhibition has demonstrated its role and position as a basic platfom and major station that meets the needs of the labour market and has the confidence of young nationals who are seeking job opportunities that suit their educational and practical levels, is no exaggeration.
She pointed out: We look at the exhibition as an important and major event, specialised in the employment of nationals, especially that it provides an interactive and vital space among graduates, entities, authorities and government and private departments, and facilitates the employment, training and development of the Emirati youth skills, guiding and instructing fresh graduates on how to choose their career path, which would contribute to achieving their dreams and aspirations.
On the participation of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in the government platform of the entities, departments and authorities of the Government of Sharjah, Mona Ali Al Ketbi, Director of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs, said: This is the first participation of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in the exhibition, in coordination with Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources, as the exhibition plays a vital role in introducing the job seekers to the entities and to the nature of their work, which gives them the opportunity to be well directed towards the jobs according to their qualifications and experience, so that this would reflect the vision of H.H. Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi in providing stable and decent living to the Sharjah nationals.
For his part, Ahmed Hassan Dimas, Recruitment and Planning Officer at the Directorate of Town Planning and Survey in Sharjah, said: Under the directives of H.E. Eng. Khalid Bin Butti Al Muhairi, Chairman of the Directorate of Town Planning and Survey, the Directorate participates in the events of the national career exhibition from 9 to 11 February, organised by Expo Centre Sharjah.  The exhibition is one of the most important career exhibitions at the State as it provides employment opportunities to national graduates throughout three days.
He added: Through its participation in the exhibition, the Directorate provides a detailed explanation of the nature of work at the Directorate and the vacant positions therein, and offers direct communication with the nationals, holders of various professional and educational degrees, job seekers and persons with competencies that are in line with the work sectors at the Directorate. Furthermore, the participation in the exhibition provides the Directorate with an excellent database of talents to seek them when they are needed.