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Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources organises a First Aid Training Programme for the Government Employees

24 February, 2020

Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources organised a first aid training programme targeting a number of employees of the entities, authorities and departments of the Government of Sharjah at all job levels, for a period of 5 days.
The programme covered the basics of first aid, principles of first medical care and responsibilities of the first medic, and focused on the aspects of occupational health and safety, injuries and first aid at the workplace. It also tackled the first aid for children.
The programme aims to raise the level of awareness and health education of employees, qualifying them to deal with emergencies and accidents and enabling them to offer first aid services in case of crises and injuries, as well as contributing to saving lives or reducing injuries. Upon completion of the programme, the participants obtain international certificates approved by Hayfield University and a medic licence.
Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources focuses on the training and development of the employees’ skills by implementing all the programmes and initiatives that contribute to the development of the human resources cadres and competencies at the Emirate. It also adopts training due to its active role in promoting all fields, developing the government work system, and consolidating the culture of self-development and continuous learning.