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SDHR announces its qualification programems for February January 17, 2022 / 1:09 PM

18 January, 2022

The Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources (SDHR) has announced its series of electronic qualification programems for February, targeting the segment of job seekers who hold all educational qualifications listed in the system of SDHR, from all cities and regions of Sharjah, the central region and the eastern region.
The department holds qualifying programmes with a remote training system via Microsoft Teams, and it varies to include many topics, namely: Creative thinking in analyzing problems and making decisions, how to manage yourself, innovation skills and future foresight, individual financial planning, effective and effective communication skills using emotional intelligence, effective legal writing for non-lawyers, statistical skills in preparing administrative reports, stress management and coping Challenges, body language skills, know yourself during crises, leadership skills and charisma, modern methodologies for customer service management, media, communication and corporate identity management, office and smart secretarial business management, the art of managing negative emotions, Influential speaker skills, from passion to purpose, decision-making and problem solving, outstanding career behavior and the art of dealing with others, electronic document management, professional project management, occupational safety and health in the work environment, leadership women: influence through self-awareness, the art of influencing and Motivation, a professional CV writing program that will be held in 2 groups, and a career guidance program for an interview system that will be held in 3 groups. 

The rehabilitation programs for job seekers are one of the sustainable efforts of the Department to implement the approach of the Emirate of Sharjah in the development and investment of the human element and directing all available resources and energies to meet the requirements of development, and to enhance the capabilities, capabilities and experiences of the young generation, to inject highly skilled national cadres into the labor market.