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SHRD employs 175 jobseekers in supervision in SM

17 March, 2021

The Sharjah Human Resources Department approved the employment of 175 positions in the field of supervision and inspection in the municipalities of the Emirate of Sharjah. It targets the male category of holders of university and general secondary education, at a financial cost of AED3,992,225 per month, and an estimated AED47,906,700 annually within the total cost of the jobs budget for 2021.
His Excellency Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadim, Member of the Sharjah Executive Council and Chairman of the Sharjah Human Resources Department, said that the inspection functions were approved after coordination with the municipalities of the Emirate of Sharjah, and an inventory and identification of their needs for employees in the control and inspection functions, and the financial degrees allocated to these jobs.

He explained that the results of determining the job needs were (10) employees in the Department of Municipalities Affairs, with (2) university degree holders, and (8) high school qualification holders, in order to meet the needs of opening the administrative building of the North Pasture in the Central Region and providing services to the beneficiaries In addition to expanding the scope of supervision and field inspection.

He explained that after listing all the CVs available in the Human Resources Department database according to the requirements for filling the available jobs in the field of control and inspection in the municipalities of the Emirate of Sharjah, the virtual job interviews for the candidates for supervision and inspection positions are conducted by the competent committee for job interviews in the municipalities, and in the presence of a representative from the Human Resources Department. To choose those who meet the terms of appointment to fill the jobs.

He emphasised that candidates are informed of the dates of the interviews by text messages, as well as sending the result of the interview after the interview is conducted by sending a text message to the candidate indicating that the candidate passed or did not pass the job interview.

He said that these directives come within the framework of the great interest that His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah attaches to building and developing the human being and strengthening his involvement in all fields that serve society, and his affirmation of the importance of investing education outputs in serving the needs of the labor market and contributing to the improvement of all services provided in the emirate.

He praised the integrative role among all government agencies in the Emirate of Sharjah, to implement and implement the targeted employment plans during the year 2021, and their constructive cooperation in hiring and supporting national cadres and their participation in the implementation of strategic and operational activities, initiatives and projects at the level of the Emirate of Sharjah.