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SDHR holds performance appraisal system workshop

03 March, 2021

 Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources (SDHR), in cooperation with Sharjah Police General Command, organised a remote performance appraisal system workshop for the employees of Sharjah Police.
This comes within SDHR’s keenness to spread the culture of the performance appraisal system and educate employees and officials about the steps to apply all stages of the system to develop performance of employees and encourage them to innovate and excel in the completion of their work. In addition to encouraging the employees to work in a team spirit, development themselves and continuously learn.

The workshop targeted 92 male and female employees of Sharjah Police’s Human Resources Department, civil cadre employees, and direct officials, along with employees of the support services branches.

The workshop aimed at introducing employees to the concept of the performance system and the stages of the evaluation system, how to define annual goals and behavioural competencies, as well as introducing the role of the direct official in the evaluation process according to the evaluation scale in the performance appraisal system. It also included a detailed explanation of the performance evaluation stage, evaluation points, and how employees are evaluated through the electronic performance appraisal system.