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'Waffer' organises a virtual event on tips for buying a car

24 September, 2020

The Sharjah Human Resources Directorate (SHRD), represented by “Waffer” loyalty and discounts programme organised a virtual event under the title “Enjoy Driving with Waffer” through the WEBEX program, aiming to provide detailed explanation on some important tips for buying a car, highlighting the precautionary measures taken in light of the virus pandemic.
The event provided a new and unique opportunity for companies, specialising in cars and spare parts, to present their services and products in an innovative and creative way, targeting the beneficiaries of programme.

Fawaz Karami, VIP, GOVERNMENT & CORPORATE SALES MANAGER at AGMC BMW CAR briefed the attendees on some tips that individuals must know before buying the car, stressing the essential need to know about teh most important safety features in a car.

The joint-stock companies presented special offers to Waffer card holders, briefing them on ways to benefit from the discounts offered by them.

the “Waffer” programme will ensure the continuity of hosting virtual events according to a series of monthly sequences, in an effort to keep pace with the global crisis of the emerging coronavirus, underscoring the importance of briefing the programme’s beneficiaries with the latest offers and features offered by the companies joining the program.