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Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources starts the Implementation of September Training Programmes Plan

02 September, 2019

Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources started implementing its training programmes for September in the City of Sharjah, the Central Region and the Eastern Region, organised by the employees of entities, departments and government bodies in Sharjah of all functional grades.
Fifteen training programmes will be implemented in the city of Sharjah and the Central Region, consisting of the following: Occupational Security and Safety, Administrative Planning and Development, Role of the Organisation in Promoting Tolerance, Service Triangle “Service Excellence, Customer Care and Quick Performance”, Functional Happiness, Events and Conferences Management, E-secretariat, Legal Skills Development, Strategic Management, Happy Government Creations, Art of Happiness in the Work Environment, Motivation Skills and Productivity Increase, Sheikh Khalifa Government Excellence Programme, Selection of Smart Goals and Marketing Intelligence.
Thirteen training programmes for employees are implemented in the Eastern Region in Kalba, Khor Fakkan and Dibba Al Hosn, covering: Professional Diploma in Government Leadership, Breathing Deeply and Dealing with Psychological Stress, Developing Promising Young Leaders, Modern Vision for Administrative Development, Developing Media Culture for Institutions, First Aid, Dealing with Unexpected Challenges at Work, First Impression and Building Customer Trust, Artificial Intelligence and Building Smart Ideas, Art of Public Speaking and Influence, Leading oneself towards Happiness, Aspects of Excellence in Leadership and Influence, Management of Crises and Disasters.
The training programmes target all employees of all grades and the locations thereof will be announced according to their dates posted on the Directorate’s website. These programmes are implemented within the Directorate’s framework for the development of the government’s employees in all specialised and support fields in order to provide them with the expertise and knowledge needed by the employee to increase his efficiency at work.
The Department lists the plans of the training programmes periodically through the electronic training management system. The training officials at all the government entities of Sharjah and the other Emirates are able to view the training plan through the system, determine the number of employees who will join these programmes from each entity, then circulate the same to the employees at the workplace after their approval so that they apply for the programmes that correspond to their functional areas.
The system also provides the employees with the opportunity to follow all training services provided by the General Directorate of Human Resources, such as the training programmes listed on a monthly basis, the correspondences related to their sessions, such as the confirmation of acceptance or withdrawal of their session and all the sessions to which they are affiliated. The system also enables the employees to evaluate the training programmes to which they are affiliated.
As the Directorate is keen to work closely with all the State entities on the development of human capital, it has strengthened its communication with the Federal and local entities and organisations from the various Emirates at the State, by providing training opportunities to the various entities wishing their employees to join the training programmes of the government of Sharjah. It created accounts for them to enable them to take full advantage of all the services provided by the Directorate in the field of training, and to nominate their employees to join its programmes.