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Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources organises the “Three-Dimensional Performance Appraisal” Workshop

05 May, 2019

Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources organised a workshop entitled “Three-Dimensional Performance Appraisal” at Al Rawi Cafe, with the participation of appraisal officials at the Support Services Departments in Sharjah Government’s departments, authorities and establishments, in the presence of His Excellency Abdullah Salem Al Mashawi, Director of the Directorate of Human Resources.
HE Abdullah Salem Al Mashawi underlined the keenness of the Directorate to develop the performance appraisal system based on the best practices, brainstorming sessions, meetings and surveys’ results, in coordination and cooperation with the Support Services Departments at the government departments and authorities, given that it is one of the systems that guarantee the achievement of growth and career development, motivate creativity and innovation of the employees of the Government of Sharjah, considered as the driving force and centre of the production process, and that in order to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of government perfomance.
He pointed out that the Directorate is concernred with raising the employees’ awareness on the performance appraisal system by regularly and periodically holding awareness seminars, in order to explain the performance appraisal system to the government employees in all the entities and establishments of the Emirate as well as its cities and regions.
The workshop aimed at enhancing the knowledge of the Human Resources officials on the application of the performance appraisal system in the government departments and authorities, discussing the important role of the Support Services Departments in applying the performance appraisal system and providing all means to support line managers and employees in order to apply the same, follow up the outcomes of its application and address the challenges faced by the functioning of the system in coordination with the Directorate of Human Resources.
The workshop explained the performance appraisal process adopted by the Government of Sharjah, which assesses the employee’s performance compared to the objectives and behavioural competencies set by the partnership between the employee and the line manager during the appraisal period, which shall be determined at the beginning of the appraisal period and is subject to constant review and feedback during such period. It also explained the strategic, administrative and development aspects of the performance appraisal system, the optimal investment of the performance appraisal benefits and outputs in stimulating energies and creative ideas, supporting the individuals’ competitiveness, functional empowerment, improving and increasing productivity, measuring job satisfaction and strengthening institutional loyalty.
The workshop also focused in detail on the qualifications of the employee whose appraisal points were calculated (needs improvement, meets expectations, exceeds expectations, significantly exceeds expectations).
The outputs and results were represented in the form of 3D figures for each of the four appraisal points (needs improvement, meets expectations, exceeds expectations, significantly exceeds expectations), through the discussion and presentation of the results of appraisal points, in cooperation with several students from the University of Sharjah “College of Fine Arts and Design”.