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Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources announcing its Training Programmes for next April

27 March, 2019

Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources announced its training programmes for the employees of the government of Sharjah for next April. The implementation of these programmes falls within the Directorate’s plans for the development of the government employees in all specialised professional and support fields, in order to provide them with the experience and knowledge they need in their work to increase their performance efficiency.
The Directorate will implement 27 training programmes, 15 of which in the city of Sharjah and the Central Region and 12 programmes in the Eastern Region. The programmes of the city of Sharjah and the Central Region cover: Customer satisfaction, Office Manager excellence, preparation of future leaders, legal and administrative legislation formulation, motivation of national cadres to serve the country, body language, project management, stress management and facing challenges, modern strategies in financial auditing, performance indicators appropriate to the National Programme for Happiness and Positivity, conduction of research and statistical studies, marketing and promoting activities and events, positive energy and its role in the employees’ happiness, basic concepts of food security, and how to choose smart goals.
The Eastern Region programmes cover: Corporate loyalty and the art of dealing, future horizons for human investment, statistics and their role in planning, follow-up and decision-making, inspiring leadership and creative management skills, events management diploma, job tolerance, advanced skills in social media, successful experiences in the making of leaders, modern methods for planning and organisation, digital transformation in file management, effective management of electronic stores, advanced course in MS-Office - Eastern Region.
The programmes target all employees at all career levels and the venues where the training will take place will be announced according to the programmes’ dates stated on the Directorate’s social media accounts.