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Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources celebrates Mother’s Day and World Water Day on March 21

24 March, 2019

Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources celebrated in all its branches Mother’s Day on the 21st of March with its female employees. The event was attended by His Highness Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadem, Member of Sharjah Executive Council, Chairman of Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources, at the Directorate’s main building in Al-Liya. The event included several activities to evaluate and honour the working mothers at the Directorate, in recognition of their important roles and valuable contributions to community building, raising generations and serving the nation.
The event also included various competitions, draws and gifts. Appreciation banners were installed to praise their efforts in caring for their families and bearing responsibility through their active participation in their job positions to achieve the Directorate’s visions and objectives. The working mothers were also honoured by bouquets of flowers and gifts offered by: Tulip Flowers Trading, Medical Guide Centre, Afreen Beauty & Henna Saloon and Mohamed Hilal Group.
The Chairman of the Directorate expressed his gratitude and appreciation towards the mothers during the event, saying in his speech:  Words are not enough to describe mothers, they are too great to be celebrated in just one day. They represent celebration and happiness that last our entire life. Honouring them goes back to the beginning of humanity, and in order to express our gratitude to this great source of love, we offer our deepest gratitude and appreciation to all the mothers working at the Directorate who were aware of their roles and became influential through their positions, their great humanitarian role in their families and their participation in work serving the rise and prosperity of their nation.
He underlined that such event held in the Directorate reflects the high status of women in the UAE community, and praised the importance of the role of working mothers and their effective contribution in building the UAE, which has a prominent position among all the countries around the world.
He pointed out that the Directorate is keen to stand by the working mothers and to support them in all circumstances. He wished the mothers all success in their efforts to balance between their roles in life.
The Directorate’s female employees appreciated this generous gesture and the high level of human interaction that the Directorate is keen to constantly establish towards its female employees and highlighting their importance in society.
On another level, the Directorate received, at its headquarters in Al-Liya, the Rationalisation Department’s delegation from Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority on the occasion of World Water Day on the 22nd of March, in order to raise awareness among all segments of society about the importance of rationalisation of water consumption.
Several educational activities were carried out and many educational leaflets and posters were distributed to contribute to spreading the rationalisation culture among employees, and correct the misconceptions that increase water consumption rates. They also aim to consolidate the principles of use of energy and water resources efficiently and their importance for the benefit of future generations.