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Foundational Programme for the Employees of Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources

23 December, 2019

Yesterday, Sunday, Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources started the foundational training programme “Happiness Strategies” to be held for 5 consecutive days and which targets male and female employees of all job levels and from the various departments and bodies of the Government of Sharjah.
The programme discusses several important topics, most notably: concept of happiness and positivity in government work, its main initiatives’ areas, policies and programmes, means of measurement and most prominent services. It also addresses the positive work environment, happiness and positivity as a way of life, awareness and understanding of its standards and areas.
The programme achieves new skills for employees, provision of the necessary tools, identification of realistic models and creation of initiatives to spread happiness in the work environment. It also qualifies them to supervise initiatives aimed at achieving positivity and consolidating the same as a culture inside and outside the work establishment.
Concerning the training programme, Sultan Mohammed Bin Huwaidan Al Ketbi, Director of the Career Development Department at the Directorate, clarified that Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources attaches great importance to establishing a culture of positivity and happiness among individuals. This programme contributes to enriching experiences and forming a more comprehensive understanding of happiness as theory and practical applications. It also urges the embodiment of attention to happiness and positivity as a way of life in the Emirati society, as it is in line with the efforts of the State to spread this civilised human thought.
It also showed that the Directorate focuses on the training and development of the employees’ skills by implementing all the programmes and initiatives that aim to develop the human resources cadres and competencies. He confirmed the importance of training and its active role in promoting all fields, drawing inspiration from creative ideas and consolidating the culture of self-development and continuous learning.